Real World Math Blog

This blog is a compilation of articles explaining how math is applied in real-life situations.

Tailored for middle and high school students, it offers numerous examples illustrating how mathematical concepts learned in school are put to use by real people in real jobs.

Covering topics from negative numbers to mathematical functions, this blog aligns with school curricula to make math more relevant and engaging for all students!

Can a smart car understand if a driver has fallen asleep? Can a smart manufacturing machine detect when a manufacturing worker is not feeling well and is at risk of injury? This blog post explores how smart computers can interpret facial expressions and emotions using the principles of psychology and math.
Knowing geometrical properties of adjacent and alternate angles is very useful for various works, such as the work of an architect. This article shows how the properties of adjacent angles are used in today’s architectural design.
Percent problems are quite common in every business because they help analyze business information and make better decisions. This article shows one real-world use case of how this analysis is performed.
Polynomials are very useful in various real-life situations when there is a need to describe or measure something. In this article, we'll show how marketers use polynomials to describe and measure customer behavior.
The coordinate plane taught in school is a useful tool for various applications where people need to show how one thing depends on another. For example, how the duration of our life depends on whether our lifestyle is healthy or not. This article explores it in detail.
Simply speaking, arctan allows you to find the value of an angle if the legs of a triangle are known. But is it just for the sake of triangles in your exercise book? No, of course not. This blog post will show you the importance of arctan in real life.